The museum of Mr. Pence has opened and people from all over the world are excited to visit and see the history of the Mr. Pence series. An edgy plumber named "Skullpain", has decided to go check out the museum.
The museum of Mr. Pence is a compilation of 3 Mr. Pence games. The games included are: Mr. Pence's Christmas Blast, NEW! Mr. Pence and a secret game.
In the museum you can walk around, select the game you want to play or talk to someone. Try talking to anyone who has the word "shift" over them, you might learn something from them.
What could be behind this locked door?
See artwork from almost all the Mr. Pence games.
All games are mostly the same as their original versions. There are only a few differences, such as the levels now have parallax scrolling.